As the world is increasingly challenged by the impact of climate change and global warming much of its solutions are […]
Energising Shipbuilding
Shipbuilding and shipping have a direct relationship with nation building. History informs us that every great power possessed a vibrant […]
The Menace of IUU Fishing: Time to Act
The menace of IUU and overfishing is real and urgent. More than 20% of the globval marine catch is IUU fishing. Species are getting extinct and fish stocks are fallingbelow sustainable level. Small nations are unable to monior their EEZ as their stocks are victim to Distant Water Fishing Fleets. Gobal Action is needed. As a maritime nation India must assume stewardship for an international agreement on control of IUU fishing.
Corporatisation of Ordnance Factory Board: The Right Move
Mrs Nirmala Sitaraman, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, announced the Corporatisation of Ordnance Factory Board (OFB). This is a long pending […]