Rupal Kalebere The vast expanse of the oceans, stretching across the globe, has long been treated as an open playground, […]
Strengthening Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean: A Shared Vision for the EU and India
Rupal Kalebere In the modern era, where global trade and connectivity are deeply intertwined with maritime routes, the security of […]
Addressing IUU Fishing: Strategies for Sustainable Ocean Governance – Part 3
Garima Singh After being continuously questioned on IUU fishing, China responds with the following: “Include harsher punishment for those caught […]
Addressing IUU Fishing: Strategies for Sustainable Ocean Governance – Part 2
Garima Singh The Galapagos Islands are an attractive hub for tourists because of their marine life. The islands are home […]
Addressing IUU Fishing: Strategies for Sustainable Ocean Governance: Part I
Garima Singh “The night view looks like a city,” an observer says. The surface of the waters is shining with […]
The Menace of IUU Fishing: Time to Act
The menace of IUU and overfishing is real and urgent. More than 20% of the globval marine catch is IUU fishing. Species are getting extinct and fish stocks are fallingbelow sustainable level. Small nations are unable to monior their EEZ as their stocks are victim to Distant Water Fishing Fleets. Gobal Action is needed. As a maritime nation India must assume stewardship for an international agreement on control of IUU fishing.
Maritime Security for the Blue Economy
Maritime security and the Blue Economy evolve and develop in an interdependent manner. Neither can be successful without the other. […]
by Captain Pankaj Kapoor, Master Mariner Photo Credit: Financial Express How can one erase from memory the infamous Mumbai […]