As the world is increasingly challenged by the impact of climate change and global warming much of its solutions are to be found in our oceans. Every second breath we take we owe it our oceans, that provide critical ecosystem services such as carbon storage, oxygen generation and products such as transportation, energy, food and salt apart from its central role in climate regulation. However, these services and products are under increasing threat due to over exploitation of ocean resources, increasing marine pollution, unplanned mariculture, irresponsible marine tourism, indiscriminate windfarms, wanton port expansion etc. leading to creation of “ocean slums”.
SAMDeS believes this is a present and growing threat to energy, food, climate security which can downstream impact migration, livelihoods and eventually conflict between nations.
The time is now for mankind to together prepare a Transformational Framework for the governance and administration of the global oceanic commons. A #GlobalMaritimeAccord, can become the base framework document for the international community to adopt as its primary mechanism for safe, secure, stable and sustainable oceans.
The Global Maritime Accord(GMA) is a novel, important and timely initiative towards mitigating the risks of global warming, climate change and sustainable marine produce. through the judicious and equitable exploitation of oceanic resources in alignment with SDG14, the UNCLOS, COP 15 and the Agreement on Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction to achieve broad spectrum human security.
The project envisages the collaboration of international mentors, researchers and industry participants in preparing a Draft Accord and Action Plan for Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
At the international level Institutions and eminent persons from #australia , #canada , #denmark , #germany , #india, #israel , #japan , #kenya , #newzealand , #srilanka, #unitedkingdom and #USA have joined preliminary discussions to identify respective work share and specific research subjects. Some countries have shown informal interest to be a “Champion Nation” for this initiative.

The GMA is the Oceans Petition to Mankind to ‘save oceans for a safe earth” and the GMA-Academy is the counsel for the Oceans and keeper of the conscience of mankind.
Please do register for this series of webcasts – free to all – to understand from the world’s leading thinkers and experts about our oceans better and generate awareness that Oceans alone hold the key to mankind’s sustainabel future and indeed long term survival.
Please help and join the cause – kindly share with friends and foes alike – for we need to act together as intelligentsia or we may perish together as fools for failing to read the message that waves bring daily to our shores.
#SAMDeS, #LISD #sustainability #climatechange #Oceans #marine #security #IMCCS #UBC #G20 #unsw #CommonwealthSecurityGroup #universityofhawaii #SAIU #Tufts #TheTrebuchet #nitiaayog #G20sherpa